I'm not a JW, but would love to know why it such a horrible thing to celebrate Christmas, but every JW I know seems to LOVE to celebrate anniversaries? I mean, aren't they the BIRTH of a marriage? What about all the paganism used in weddings? The rings, the wedding party, the way we dress, the eating of the cake, etc....all has pagan origins. And the drinking! Don't forget that. I mean, my JW friends rarely miss a Margarita Monday, yet you can find all kinds of references in the Bible of how drinking has had horrible consequences--even the curse of an entire race. -Gen. 9:23 Don't forget incest-Gen.19:34-35 Murder-2 Sam.13:28 Even today, look how many people die as a direct result of drinking! And if you want to go a little further with it, every JW that I personally know has a cat. Not many people in the Western world know the pagan origins of Christmas, but I haven't met too many who have not heard of cats being worshipped as gods in ancient civilizations. They were even mummified and laid in tombs with Kings! From what I have read in the Bible, TRUE idolatry is a problem with the heart. It's what we DO with objects and how we View them that makes them idolatrous. -Deut. 11:16; Job 31:26-28. Christians have the laws of God inscribed in their hearts-Jer.31:33; 2Cor.3:3; Heb. 10:16. As for celebrating holidays, Romans 14:5-6 and Col. 2:16-17 allows us the freedom in making that choice for ourselves. If you are sitting in front of the Christmas tree and all of the sudden you feel like you love it more than God, then by all means, get rid of it! My brother was in the military and for 3 years straight, the only time we got to see him was on Christmas. We cherish those memories and thank God for them. What is wrong with that? It's all about love. Love for our Saviour, love for our family. Against such things, there is no law. Many employers give their employees the day off to celebrate holidays, and not usually on the exact date of the holiday itself, does that mean the JWs go on in to work? Or do they take the day off like the rest of the "world"? I just don't get the double standard. Maybe you could ask your ex-husband some of these questions for me, because I am just dying to know who makes these rules and why so many people allow a bunch of guys in a religious organization to brow beat them into missing precious time with their families?! Please ask him on my behalf, because I just don't get it. I am not being sarcastic, I really want to know. God bless you and Merry Christmas!